Sunday Services:     Hope 9 a.m.     First American 10:45 a.m.     Parish Office: (605) 935-6941

What’s in a Name?

(Tripp Ledger – 8/20/2013)

What’s in a Name?

Earlier this month, a judge in Tennessee ordered that a 7-month old boy’s name be changed from his given name of ‘Messiah’ to ‘Martin’ saying, “The word Messiah is a title…that has only been earned by one person…Jesus Christ.”  So what’s in a name?  Among English speakers the name Jesus is rare and might get a double-take, but among Spanish speakers the name Jesús is quite common and accepted.  The closest common English name to ‘Messiah’ is Christopher or Chris which means “bearer of Christ.”  This is significant because Messiah and Christ are the exact same title.  The difference came when this title was brought into English from two languages.  ‘Messiah’ comes from the Hebrew word, while ‘Christ’ is from Greek.  So the name Chris, in meaning, would not be much different than Messiah.  Ironically, the judge changed the boy’s name to Martin which means “bearer of the Roman god Mars.”

Of course, today no one who hears the name Martin would accuse his parents of being idol worshipers, in fact, being Lutheran, I would think of Martin Luther.  Likewise, many named Chris or Christopher don’t think often of being a bearer of Christ.  Yet, for those of us who claim to be followers of Jesus, we all bear that name – the name Christian.  So how do we use that precious name?

The Ten Commandments state, “Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain.”  Often we limit this to mean that we should not use the name of Jesus or God as a curse word or in a careless manner, and yes, that is certainly part of it, but this also warns us to bear the name ‘Christian’ rightly as well.  Do our lives bring honor to God’s name by accurately reflecting who He is?  God warns us that what we do in the name of Jesus will be taken very seriously.  When we do or give approval to those things that God’s Word condemns, we take His name in vain.  When we refuse to do what God’s Word commands, we take his name in vain.  Would others, just by watching how you live and hearing what you say, be able to rightly understand the character of Jesus?   Let us each endeavor to bear this precious name, Christian, proudly and rightly.

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