Sunday Services:     Hope 9 a.m.     First American 10:45 a.m.     Parish Office: (605) 935-6941

The Line of David – Rehoboam, Son of Solomon, King of Judah 


“I will humble David’s descendants because of this, but not forever.”  – 1 Kings 11:39

At the end of Solomon’s life, the Lord rebuked Solomon for the idol worship that he allowed and participated in on behalf of his many foreign wives. He warned Solomon that, on account of his disobedience, He would take away the Kingdom of Israel from his son, Rehoboam. But, in 1 Kings 11:13, God promised, “Yet I will not tear the whole kingdom from him, but will give him one tribe for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen.”

The Lord also repeats this promise to Jeroboam, an official who had led a revolt against Solomon. He promises to make him king over the northern tribes of Israel, ten tribes in all, and only Judah (the tribe of Solomon) and Benjamin (the tribe given to Solomon’s descendants in 1 Kings 11:13) would remain loyal to the House of David. The Lord even gives Jeroboam the opportunity to have his line established like that of David’s if he would serve the Lord. However, this offer to Jeroboam did come with one reminder, that God’s promise to David will not be revoked. One day, the Messiah, the King of Kings, would come from the House of David and rule on the throne of Israel forever. Sadly, neither Jeroboam nor Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, would prove themselves to be servants of the Lord.

Rehoboam would reign for 17 years, but he would lead Judah into even greater sins than his father, Solomon. He set up idols all over Judah and even encouraged the worship of pagan gods through male shrine prostitutes. On account of this, Judah was invaded by Egypt, and all the treasures and wealth of Solomon were carried off.

This account gives us some great insight into the nature of God’s blessings. Our disobedience can never revoke God’s promises. God will always be faithful to His Word. However, there is also the warning that God can keep His promises without having to bless those who reject Him. For even though God promised David that his sons would always sit on his throne, not all of those sons were blessed during the time of their reigns. Instead of experiencing the favor of the Lord, their disobedience caused them, and the nations of Israel and Judah, much trouble and heartache. Yet, the Lord prolonged their line because of His promise to David.

We can be assured God will keep His promises to His people through the Son of David, Jesus Christ. But we also know that only those who walk with God in faith will share in those blessings – both temporal and eternal.

Blessings, Pastor Barry

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