Sunday Services:     Hope 9 a.m.     First American 10:45 a.m.     Parish Office: (605) 935-6941

Archive | April, 2017

The Centrality of Easter

Published April 18, 2017

(Delmont Record – 4/18/2017) The Centrality of Easter Then Jesus told [Thomas], “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”   John 20:29 These words were spoken to Thomas by the resurrected Jesus. He had appeared earlier to the other disciples, but Thomas was missing. Despite hearing their accounts of their encounter with the risen Lord, Thomas refused to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead until he could see for himself. Jesus granted this request, and Thomas responded with belief declaring, “My Lord and My God!” (John 20:28). […]

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