Sunday Services:     Hope 9 a.m.     First American 10:45 a.m.     Parish Office: (605) 935-6941

No Excuses

(Tripp Ledger – 11/5/2013)

No Excuses

Joseph’s master put him in prison…but while Joseph was there in the prison, 21 the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the warden. 22 So he put Joseph in charge of all those in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there. 23 The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.  Genesis 39:20-23, NIV

One of the hardest things for us to learn in life is that we are responsible for our actions.  Perhaps the hardest thing for us to learn is that we are responsible for our reactions as well.  When angered, we might say, “That person makes me so mad.”  If we are acting miserable at work, we might blame it on a flat tire or a forgotten cup of coffee.  We often try to blame others or even our circumstances for our poor actions or reactions.  The truth is we alone are responsible for our response to good and bad circumstances alike.

In the above passage, Joseph is thrown in jail for a crime he didn’t commit.  Yet, instead of complaining and blaming God or others, Joseph brought glory to God by being noticed as a model prisoner. And for the whole story, I encourage you to read Genesis chapters 37 and 39-47.  Joseph really is a great example of someone who always refused to let circumstances dictate his actions and his character.

This concept is especially true when it comes to our relationship with God.  Many choose to blame God for their reactions to life events.  While it’s true that life is often cruel, the reality is that in good times and bad, God loves you and is working for your benefit.  This doesn’t mean that everything that happens is good –certainly not, for evil is also at work in this world.  But the choice you have is this: will you blame God, others or even things for the sin in your life, for your negative actions and reactions, or will you turn in faith to God and trust Him alone to deliver you despite your circumstances?  Wherever you are today, you are never beyond the reach of God’s powerful arm that works to rescue you.  But to be saved, you must first take responsibility for your actions – for your sin – and confess it to Him, then God, who is faithful and just will forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

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